Thursday, March 6, 2014


Yesterday I was commenting on one of my students Mum's facebook about how her daughter wrote a story that went something like this "I love my cat, I love Ethan (her new baby brother), I love my Mum, I love my Dad".... and today if I was writing a story it would go something like this....

I love my sister Shaye for being so amazing and for helping me bake and cook dinner tonight, and for promising not to tell Dad that I stalled his car... I love my Dad and my step mum for lending me said car, and because I know they would be there for me whatever I needed. I love my niece Zoe for being so excited to see me that I get a hug everytime I walk past her at school, I love my nephew Logan for being so much fun and for giving the best cuddles! I love my Aunty Jo for constantly sending things over to me with other people and for being the best support person a girl could ever ask for. I love my sister in law Lisa for picking above stuff up for me when she was in Nelson and because she said she is going to bake me a birthday cake this weekend! I love my brother for being my big brother *insert eye roll here*, and for choosing such an awesome wife and for creating some super kids. I love my Mum for being my Mum and for making me who I am (as much as I am loathe to admit it at times, I am a lot like her), and while she is technically not family (which is almost impossible on this side of the hill)I love Sophie for letting me stay with her for 5 weeks.

This list could go on for ever so I will leave it at that and cross my fingers and toes that I have included the most important people....

Basically what I am saying is that I am enjoying being in the Bay on placement, and it is great to have my family around.

I also love my new family, Room 15, what an awesome bunch of kids! You parents have 18 reasons to be very proud! And thank you to Pip and Mrs Menary for having me, I couldn't learn how to be a teacher without the help and support of teachers like you, and I quite like the symmetry of you helping me learn as a child, and now again as an adult, look how far we've come!

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