Monday, February 24, 2014

First Blog

Wow what an imaginative title I have come up with for my first blog post! If I had been thinking I would have started this blog 2 years ago when my teaching journey began, but alas, it has only just occurred to me now! 

The idea came about recently in discussions with my uni class and lecturer about how I could interact with the parents on my upcoming placement at Collingwood Area School as most of the students will catch the bus to and from school, and some bring spark suggested a blog. So far pretty boring but next week once I am among the children of room 15 I am sure I will have some more interesting things to share!

I must admit to being a wee bit nervous about going back to my old stomping ground, the place where I was smart to teachers and now having to look at things from the other side of the fence! I wonder how different it will look and feel! 

Many of the parents of children in room 15 will already know me, some of you I went to school with and some of you I know through my family, but some of you I have yet to meet, so here is a little about me...

I am 26 (soon to be 27), my Mum is Sally Oates who used to be a teacher and is now working at Fresh Choice in Takaka, my Dad is Greg Oates who is a farming contractor and he is married to Lea who is a super stay at home mum to my younger sister Shaye who is in year 7 this year. I have an older brother Michael who is working on a farm in Rockville, he is married to Lisa and they have two children Zoe (in Mrs Dixon's class) and Logan who is only 2. I also have two step brothers, Dan and Ari who both went to Collingwood Area School as well. 

I was born in Nelson hospital, but have lived in Golden Bay my whole life, based in Collingwood, Rockville and Bainham throughout the years. When I was 16 I moved to Nelson to live with my Aunty Jo and do my final year of school at Nayland College. In 2005 I studied the New Zealand National Nanny Certificate in Nannying at NMIT before working at a variety of jobs until I again decided to study in 2012.

It took me a long time to decide that I was going to study to be a primary teacher, I can remember talking about wanting to do it and then it all happened really fast, I downloaded the application form just to have a look and before I even consciously knew I had made a decision I was posting it off. I think it was one of those decisions where good things take time; I weighed up all of the options and made the right decision, I think taking the time was a valuable step for me as I now know that I am fully committed.  So far I am really enjoying my study, it has been incredibly full on and overwhelming at times but I have no doubt that it will be worthwhile in the end.

I have been babysitting and looking after children since I was 14 and I still do a lot of babysitting in my spare time. Other things I like to do in my spare time are reading (as long as it's not a text book), baking, going for walks, going to the beach or just getting out in the sunshine. I LOVE cats (but currently don't have one, and it has become something of a joke among my friends, one look at my facebook page will make you think I am a crazy cat lady.... which I am not....quite) and my favourite colour is yellow

I keep saying that I wouldn't mind working in a rural school somewhere once I graduate, so I thought I had better test the theory and find out if it is something I could actually see myself doing. Rural schools are very different to city schools, something I have found quite interesting having come from a rural, community based background myself. 

Well I think I have waffled on enough for now, for those of you I have met, I look forward to seeing you again, and those I haven't met before it will be great to meet you and I look forward to spending 5 weeks with your children, in the most gorgeous spot in New Zealand.... I might be a wee bit biased! 

Ka kite anō au i a koutou, 

Miss (Sarah) Oates 


  1. Just thought I would be the first to comment on your blog :)
