Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A special visitor

On Friday the 21st March Room 15 had a special visitor... her name was Princess Amber and she is a pig!
Natalie's Mum bought the pig to school, and play centre! Apparently the play centre kids chased her around the yard and Room 3 read her a story and put her to sleep, then she came to us and was the centre of attention!

Most of the children thought she was pretty cool but some of them were not so sure....

I said to them that they are pretty lucky, it is unlikely that they would get a pig in their class if they were at a city school!

After she was with us we had writing time and we had a wee brainstorm of some adjectives (what we were focusing on at the time) are that we could use to describe her:

Princess Amber
poo (I don't know why cos she didn't...)
scary (Told ya some of them weren't so keen)
squeaky (boy did she voice her objections about being picked up)
fast runner
sleepy (no chance, we were far too noisy!)

Here is the story I wrote when modelling:

Here are a couple of stories that the girls wrote about our special visitor.

Today Mum brought Princess Amber to school. Amber is black and pinky white. She is so cute. She has brown eyes. She is so little and cuddly. She has little black ears. When you pick her up she starts to squeal but I still love her. - Natalie

Today Princess Amber came to school. To our class. She was as cute as a fluffy bunny. She has lots of colour on her back. It had black on it and white on it. It had brown eyes. - Courtney

Here are a couple of stories that the girls wrote about our special visitor.

Today Mum brought Princess Amber to school. Amber is black and pinky white. She is so cute. She has brown eyes. She is so little and cuddly. She has little black ears. When you pick her up she starts to squeal but I still love her. - Natalie

Today Princess Amber came to school. To our class. She was as cute as a fluffy bunny. She has lots of colour on her back. It had black on it and white on it. It had brown eyes. - Courtney

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