Monday, July 14, 2014

Final Placement & Introduction to Ranzau School

I started a blog before going on my last placement (I regret not starting it sooner), but it was a way to communicate a little bit about me to the parents of students in the class I was going into. It has since become a bit boring while I have been completing assignments but as I am heading back out onto placement next week (YIKES) I thought it was time to create a new post to introduce myself to a new group of students and their parents, so read if you are interested...

I am 27 (and yes I know I don't look it), my Mum is Sally Oates who used to be a teacher and is now working at Fresh Choice in Takaka, my Dad is Greg Oates who is a farming contractor and he is married to Lea who is a super stay at home mum to my younger sister Shaye who is in year 7 this year. I have an older brother Michael who is working on a farm in Haupiri, near Greymouth, he is married to Lisa and they have two children Zoe (nearly 6) and Logan who is only 3. I also have two step brothers, Dan and Ari who are both in their early 20s and busy living their lives. 

I was born in Nelson hospital, but grew up in Golden Bay, based in Collingwood, Rockville and Bainham throughout the years. When I was 16 I moved to Nelson to live with my Aunty Jo and do my final year of school at Nayland College. In 2005 I studied the New Zealand National Nanny Certificate in Nannying at NMIT before working at a variety of jobs until I again decided to study in 2012.

It took me a long time to decide that I was going to study to be a primary teacher, I can remember talking about wanting to do it and then it all happened really fast, I downloaded the application form just to have a look and before I even consciously knew I had made a decision I was posting it off. I think it was one of those decisions where good things take time; I weighed up all of the options and made the right decision, I think taking the time was a valuable step for me as I now know that I am fully committed.  So far I am really enjoying my study, it has been incredibly full on and overwhelming at times but I have no doubt that it will be worthwhile in the end (which is sneaking up REALLY fast!).

I have been babysitting and looking after children since I was 14 and I still do a lot of babysitting in my spare time. Other things I like to do in my spare time are reading (as long as it's not a text book), baking, going for walks, going to the beach or just getting out in the sunshine. I LOVE cats (but currently don't have one, and it has become something of a joke among my friends, one look at my facebook page will make you think I am a crazy cat lady.... which I am not....quite) and my favourite colour is yellow! 

I keep saying that I wouldn't mind working in a rural school somewhere once I graduate, so I have been testing the theory to find out if it is something I could actually see myself doing. Rural schools are very different to city schools, something I have found quite interesting having come from a rural, community based background myself. 

I must admit to being a wee bit nervous about going on placement as it is our final one before graduating at the end of the year, but I am very much looking forward to it also as placements remind us why we have undertaken this crazy degree! 

Well I think I have waffled on enough for now, I am looking forward to meeting you and I look forward to spending 5 weeks with your children in Room 8.

Ka kite anō au i a koutou, 

aka Miss Oates (on the boil)

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