Saturday, July 26, 2014

Peak of the week

On Friday afternoon in Room 8 they shared their peak of the week, this is a highlight from the week, and it can be something that happened at school or something that happened outside of school.

I have to share two of my favourites from the children...

- "the whole week"

- "coming back to school"

My peak of the week was when Molly bought her Mum into meet me when she dropped her off to school on Thursday, Molly's Mum told me that she had heard lots about me and this made me feel pretty special! If any of the other parents are reading this, please pop in and say hi if you can, I would LOVE to meet you! :)

Without a doubt the thing I always enjoy the most about placement is the children, and this placement is no exception. They are an amazing bunch, bright, cheerful, friendly and eager to learn. Another highlight of my week was when one by said at the end of a challenging maths session, "that was fun", I asked him if it was hard as well and he said yes! What an amazing thing that maths can be hard, yet fun, I know I am in the right career when that gets me excited!

This weekend has been a busy one with lots of planning for next week when I take full control of the class, Megan will still be there keeping an eye on things and helping me when I need it but it is my responsibility to take control of the planning and teaching of the class. I still have some more planning to do before I am ready for tomorrow but I am also going to find time to go to the beach... my happy place!

Megan is a student teachers dream AT, she is friendly, kind, thoughtful and helpful, Ranzau is lucky to have her, as am I!

Looking forward to next week, I wonder what our peaks will be come Friday...

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